Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Android App Review: MyBackup Pro

This is probably the best application you'll never actually use. Well, hopefully not anyway. 

Occasionally there comes a time when having a solid backup of your entire system can be a life saver. Lose your phone, break your phone, accidentally wipe all your data doing some custom hackery; whatever the case, MyBackup Pro has you covered.

Not only do you have the option of backing up your system locally to your SD card, but also to Rerware's remote secure servers, which is what you want if your phone goes MIA. The Pro version runs $4.99 in the Android market, comes with lifetime updates and provides 50mb of online storage. 

Remember when I said its the best application you'll never use? MyBackup Pro performs automatic backups, either to your SD card or to your online storage, at a prescheduled interval you define when you install the app. Backup your system daily or weekly at a time when you're not using your phone (i.e. when you're asleep!). 

Summary and screen shots after the jump.

Why I Recommend It:
  • Automatic backups - set it up and forget about it
  • Compliments data already backed up via your Google account (contacts, calendar, etc)
  • It's saved me a ton of data loss on a couple occasions.
  • Ability to save data AND applications
What it could benefit from:
  • Ability to simultaneously backup system to SD card and online storage via scheduled backup
  • Ability to backup more in-depth contact info (photos, websites, custom ringtones)
  • Should retain login information for various apps
Bottom line: Just like insurance on your house or your car, you pay for it hoping you'll never need it. But in those rare and unfortunate times when you do need it, it's there for you. Buy MyBackup Pro ithe Android Market today or go to www.rerware.com.

Reviewed on Motorola Droid running Android 2.1.

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